NASDAQ has used Peoplesoft Financials for many years as their global ERP system.  As they move to a new financial platform, the information in this legacy system needed to be compliantly archived and then the entire platform could be decommissioned and removed from their datacenters. In conjunction with Opentext’s InfoArchive, Platform 3 Solutions Archon product and consultants will show the organization the art-of-the-possible in cleaning out old technologies.

Lower Cost Platform:

  • Maintenance: No more maintenance for the legacy costs of the PeopleSoft system. Application, database, app server, etc.
  • Storage: Running InfoArchive on a much lower cost/terabyte storage option.
  • Server: InfoArchive can run on lower cost servers compared to what it takes to maintain the legacy Peoplesoft platform.
  • Size Cost: InfoArchive is priced by the data size versus named user or server size – allowing as many people to access the retired data as necessary at no additional cost.
  • Administrative: InfoArchive is designed for very low administrative overhead allowing for no new headcount to maintain.
  • All Data: Both the structured (numbers, text, dates) and the unstructured (documents, PDFs, etc) data are available.
  • Compliance: Data is purged as per retention rules in order to save potential fines, cost, and legal fees.

Greater Governance, Compliance and Security:

  • End of Service: The legacy PeopleSoft platform (Peoplesoft, Application Server, Web server, database, operating system, etc) was running on end-of-service software which made them more susceptible to security breach.
  • Data Retention: Within InfoArchive, the ability to manage a defensible data retention plan is part of the platform. This allows for deletions on an automated basis to adhere to the retention plan.
  • Chain-of-Custody: Maintained as the data was moved into InfoArchive to validate custody, control, proper transfer and defensible authenticity.

Just as organizations are developing new technologies, they need to realize their is older, end-of-life solutions that need to be thoughtfully retired and removed from the data centers. Learn more from platform3solutions.

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Platform 3 Solutions

Platform 3 Solutions is a global leader in end-to-end legacy application migration and retirement solutions. Platform 3 empowers secure and seamless transitions of data and applications, eliminates technology debt, and delivers the ROI to invest in technology modernization.