Through August 2020 Platform 3 Solutions and EDB asked 1000s of IT Professionals their perspective and predictions about the technology landscape. The results are now available in a detailed research document and a easy-to-consume infographic to the right.

Consider the resulting story based on following the visuals:

  1. Most organizations are focused on ‘Transformation’
  2. There is a BIG shift in enterprise technology happening right now
  3. ‘Cloud’ is a primary destination of most new development or replatforming of old
  4. There is a significant waste of money on old and legacy technologies.
  5. The largest impediment to change is senior management and the need for a financial business case
  6. Over the next 12 months a majority of organizations are migrating to cloud and retiring old applications
  7. Open-source has shown it is enterprise ready and a significant priority in the way forward

Since the completion of the research, multiple options now exist for you to consume the particulars.

  1. INFOGRAPHIC – download a easier-to-view version of the graphic HERE
  2. WEBINAR recording discussing the results (18 minutes).  Click HERE to access.
  3. WEBINAR – titled “Digital Transformation and Application Retirement Research – NEXT STEPS” discussing case studies and next steps for an organization (37 minutes).  Click HERE to access.
  4. RESEARCH PAPER – The complete research paper is available to download for free (14 pages).  Click HERE to access.

This time of change requires the need to assess a current state, stack-rank where the greatest opportunity for change exists (with the least risk) and work with the right organizations and technology to turn what this research uncovered into a technology and economic advantage. 

Learn more from Platform 3 Solutions and EnterpriseDB.








Written by

Platform 3 Solutions

Platform 3 Solutions is a global leader in end-to-end legacy application migration and retirement solutions. Platform 3 empowers secure and seamless transitions of data and applications, eliminates technology debt, and delivers the ROI to invest in technology modernization.