Platform 3 Solutions keeps a pulse on the market based on client needs. It is also about the needs for business continuity, support and innovation. If the average organization spends 60%-70% of their total IT budget to maintain the status-quo, where is an opportunity to extract real value from that spend. That maintenance spend should be going back into R/D investment, quality support and timely patching of issues – but is sadly does not work that way in 2020 and beyond.
The desire to migrate, archive and remove from the data center inventory technology is a big conversation for organizations as 2021 planning is in full swing. To that end, let’s discuss technologies doing to end-of-life support or completely off extended support:
- Intel stops shipping Itanium CPUs July 29, 2021 in supporting HPUX
- SPARC T5-2 EOSL May 31, 2022
- IBM Power 7 series December 31, 2020
Over 50 Power Servers on end of life chip sets
Operating Systems:
- Centos 6 November 2020
- Red Hat 7.6 extended support ends May 31, 2021)
- IBM AIX 7.2 TL3 end of support Sept 31, 2021
- Windows Server 2016 end of life January 11, 2022
- Solaris 10 retirement January 2021

- SQLServer 2016 end of mainstream 7/13/2021
- Oracle 12.1 end of extended support July 2021
- Oracle 12.2 has limited error correction support through March 2022
- Sybase ASE 15.7 and the entire product is dead in 2025
- Informix 11.70 end of support Sept 30, 2020
- IBM DB2 11.1 has support discontinued April 30, 2022
Content Management: ECM technologies are a culmination of everything listed above with millions-to-billions of business documents under management.
- Microsoft SharePoint 2010 end of extended support October 13, 2020
- SharePoint 2016 end mainstream support July 2021
- OpenText Documentum 7.3 extended support December 2020
- IBM Case manager 5.3.x end of support April 30, 2021
And ever vendor is wanting to have clients move to their cloud – under their control. “Vendor Lock-in” is the new business plan theme-of-the-day.
Platform 3 Solutions is here to help organizations understand their options. Organizations need to do more with less – and that includes finding those terabytes of tired data that can be deleted or archived for run out while also migrating the operational data and applications to a platform that takes advantage of more open innovation and cost 60-80% less.
Bringing a repeatable ‘transformation factory’ starts with a proper analysis and initial successes.